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Wright, Brian C.

Contact Information:

Name: Wright, Brian C.
Address: 4312 10th St. Pl. Great Bend, KS 67530
Phone: 620-793-8900
Fax: 620-793-8525
Practice Region: Wichita, KS

Bar Admissions

District of Kansas: 12874 ()
Others: -
In Good Standing: Yes

ADR Experience

Experience: I participate in 10 to 15 Settlement Conferences per year as counsel for a party, and I conduct about 10 to 15 mediations per year as a mediator.
Lead Mediator Sessions: 20
Co-Mediator Sessions: -
Counsel for a Party Sessions: 30-40

ADR Training

Course Info: I have no formal mediation training, but have acted as lead counsel in more than 150 mediations, which has given me the opportunity to learn the best and most effective mediation techniques.
Total CME Hours: -
Approved Mediator for Civil Cases by the State of Kansas: No

Legal Experience

Experience: I have practiced exclusively in litigation since 1987. Over the last five years my practice has involved primarily medical malpractice defense, and to a lesser extent motor vehicle accident litigation and professional licensing litigation. I represent both sides in personal injury cases other than medical malpractice, but only defendants in medical malpractice cases.
Active Litigation: 21 Years
20% representing Plaintiffs
80% representing Defendants
10% in Federal Courts
90% in State Courts
Other Experience:  
Education: J.D. Univ of Kansas, 1987
Additional Details: Fellow, American College of Trial Lawyers. I have participated in between 150 and 200 mediations as a party and mediator. References can be obtained from most any medical malpractice lawyers in Wichita.

Fee Structure

Rate: The charges are $175.00 per hour, and if requested, I will accept half that rate for travel time. Travel expenses must be paid in any event.